Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I have a lot of people in my life that matter a great deal to me and I know that most of them care deeply about me. However, since I am a 22 year old single female and three years past the peak age of marriage in Christianity (that was a joke. insert laughter here. or not...), they sometimes feel the need to give me general dating advice.

Yesterday, as I was procrastinating on stuff that I actually needed to do and becoming lost in my inner thoughts, I was thinking about the "advice" that my friends give me about boys or Facebook statuses that I read that are hopefully satirical.

It's terrible advice! Sometimes, I feel like they give me legitimate advice and other times, I feel like their goal is for me to stay single for the rest of my life. (I have no issue with being single, I would just prefer not to be for my entire life.) I am not sure if they are serious half of the time, but I find it amusing. Due to the fact that these pieces of advice are very amusing, I got the idea to blog about it. Some of this will actually be good, legitimate advice but most of it will be absolutely ridiculous.

I have very little to no dating experience  so this is not a legitimate source of dating advice. Proceed with caution.


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